A downloadable application for Windows

First, I would like to give credit to the person who made the Clippy 3D model and so gave me the ability to create this project.

The link to download the 3D model is:

๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ท SamelCookies ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ท (@fog_) - Sketchfab

I... uh... I did use AI for the .gif image loader/viewer... sorry about that! :( But... well, I think that's all I use it for? And I also used it for help with TKinter :(

I kinda want to recode Clippy without AI and then I'll feel better about it. :)

You close him by doing Alt+F4!

As any devout Clippy fan would, I decided to create my own Clippy desktop companion that you can run on Windows and any other device that supports Python. The script uses TKinter to overlay/animate him, allow for a lot of cool tricks! Currently, Clippy can:

  • Perform cool idle animations, such as blinking, wiggling, and glancing around
  • Look up stuff on the Microsoft Support site by triple-clicking him and entering a question
  • Say "BIN!!!" anytime you delete a file
  • Get bored and ask you questions
  • Get dragged around by your mouse when you double click + drag
  • an editable config file that allows you to change all sorts of stuff, including how often Clippy asks a question (odds_of_question), how fast his animations play (animation_speed), and more! You can also create custom questions—I'll leave you to figure that out yourself.

So... he can do some stuff. I might add more! :) I... well, school is up now, so... I won't be able to do too much.

If you have any Clippy ideas, or if you happen to find a bug, or if you just want to share in the joy only a Clippy fan can experience, feel free to leave a comment below!


  • Single-click: nothing
  • Double-click + drag: drag Clippy
  • Triple-click: ask a question

I hope you like this Clippy! :)

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Tagsclippy, Cute, Desktop Pet, microsoft, nostalgic


clippy_desktop_windows.zip -> OBSOLETE 83 MB
SOURCE CODE -- run with Python and libraries 724 kB

Install instructions

If you install the Python version, then you should follow the instructions in the README.txt file.

No installation is necessary for the windows version.


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(1 edit)

I want to download it, but in my opinion. it needs also a chat bot So then you can talk to Clippy and he's there to keep you company So he will use the old Microsoft Sam voice. This is just an idea. And try to make it a app. that it's not that hard to instal. So you don't need two different softwares running and stuff like that.


Hey, guys! I think it'd be a great idea for me to re-code Clippy, in more readable code!

I could make one file for the Clippy, with the ability to say stuff, and ask you things, and able to animate, and another to do all the processing! :)

(1 edit)

not working for me ;n; (super unexperienced with this kinda thing)

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "clippy_desktop.py", line 43, in <module>

  File "clippy_desktop.py", line 38, in read_json

    def read_json(file_path):

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'data/configure/config.json'

Oof, uh...

OK, so: it probably is returning an error because I didn't add "./" before the path. Try Ctrl+F (finding) this: "path =", then adding "./" before the path variable.

Also, I forgot to change this: go into ./data/configure/config.json, and change the transparent_background (first option) to true. If it's false, Clippy will have a black background.



Oh, OK... uh...

Click on each Clippy you want to kill and press "Alt+F4" (Windows) OR "Command+Q" (Mac).

Hey, you know what? I'm going to make a button that will close Clippy in the triple-click menu right now! :)

I'll have to re-export, though... It'll be fine. :)

All right! I just have to export it again...

BLESS YOUR SOUL thank you for the help and even making a button ToT <3

(2 edits)

Sure! :)

Uh... I forgot the command to export...

I can export the source code again, but the windows export will have to wait a day or 2.

(1 edit)

Hi, guys!

I haven't gotten started on the new animations for Clippy yet; sorry about that!

If you want to do it, then just replace the .gif files in the data folder, I think, with different animations. Make sure they have a black background, though!!

Thanks for commenting on my project here! :)

School has also started back up, so... I don't have much time for working on Clippy projects. :(

Have a good day guys! :)

No problem mate. Have a nice year ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Uh huh! You too!

This is what we need. Good job ๐Ÿ‘


please reply to test if itch.io comments works on switch

yep, it worked

DA OG CLIPPY IS BACK IN A DIFFERRENT WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIPEEEEEEEEEEEE

Yeah! :)

CLIPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))))))

It's great that you like Clippy too!!! :)))

uh- my clippy just stopped working? He won't respond when I delete files, and he hasn't moved in over an hour.. I did change his odd of questions, but he just doesn't do anything anymore. No animations, no nothing. Is there a way to fix this? Should I just uninstall it and reinstall?

I don't know... I think you should try uninstall and reinstall?

First, though -- can you send me your config file? I want to see what you did.

Thanks for the comment! :)

I'd love to see more animations! Like his old silly animations, but it's an amazing program! I love having my silly little boy on my screen 24/7

hehe :)

I could add more animations over break...

I was thinking of making you be able to play Tic-Tac-Toe with Clippy. I don't know if I'll get to that, but it was an idea I had a little while ago.

That'd be fun! I'd love to see more of his older animations, but! Take your time :3



Yeah! :))


(1 edit)

the clippy app itself has a too much big hitbox or app frame (idk if it's called an app frame or a hitbox)

(1 edit)

Oh, OK...

What do you mean? I guess it's a little big; but I need the extra room to display the search box for triple-click and for things he asks you randomly.

Thanks for the comment! :)

(1 edit)

nvm, sorry


Thanks for the comment again! :)

how do i make him go away?

Oh, you click on him and to Alt+F4.

I should've thought of that and posted it in the description... Sorry!

I like it!

I do too!